Version 3.9.14 Release Notes

Release Date: 11/11/2022

Following is a summary of the updates included in the Tenmast Software released:

Update 11-22-2022: When finalizing certifications and gathering S8 T&L VMS, errors containing TPText and Phone2 occurred. These have been resolved.

Occupancy & Rent Calculation


  1. The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) module has been updated to support the Contract of Participation and Escrow Calculation Worksheet changes that were published in the Federal Register on May 17, 2022. The revised CoP form (HUD-52650) and new Escrow Credit Worksheet (HUD-52652) are now available to print from ORC Tenant Reports. Users can also designate another adult household member as the FSS Head of Family. A job aid will be provided that contains more information.

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord


  1. VMS compliance changes have been added to support the reporting requirements specified in the 2022 VMS User Manual update. Changes include the addition of new VMS Types: Foster Youth to Independence, Mobility Demonstration, Housing Stability, Emergency Transfer Vouchers for VAWA, Disaster Reporting 2-4, and Emergency Housing Vouchers 2-3. Vouchers can be assigned to these new VMS Types in Section 8 T&L. Other modifications include renaming, adding, and removing several reporting fields and expanded reporting for Mainstream vouchers (formerly named 5-year Mainstream). The VMS reports have been updates to reflect these changes. For instructions on how the current VMS fields are calculated, please refer to HUD’s VMS User Manual at

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An MRI Software Company